Record number of villas published since interest rate cut
1 June 2024
In May, 8 120 villas were published on Hemnet. This is the highest number published in a single month since Hemnet has had a continuous time series. Compared to the similar month last year, this is an increase of 25 percent.
The past two years have otherwise been characterised by a low influx of new villas for sale, due to the uncertain economic situation. But now, in May, we have received the long-awaited first interest rate cut and this has had a big impact. Many of those who previously waited have now had the conviction to act, which has led to a record-breaking influx.
We can also see a clear trend reversal for other property types. A total of 20 591 properties (villas, apartments and row houses) were published in May. This is an increase of 17 percent compared to the similar month last year, and the second highest level in the ten years that Hemnet has had a continuous time series.
The only month in which more properties were published was May 2022. Then, as now, a change in the policy rate had an impact. But back then, there was an increase of the policy rate and thus speculation about price falls in the property market, which prompted many sellers to accelerate their sales. Today, the situation is rather the opposite with a pent-up demand to move that has been created.
“In the past year and a half, we have seen a hangover in the property market. Many who wanted to sell and move on have held off due to the uncertain economic situation and the slower property market. But now optimism about the economic situation and the property market has returned. More and more of those who waited are now ready to act when the policy rate is moving in the right perceived direction and the property market has gained momentum”, says Hemnet market analyst Erik Holmberg.
För ytterligare information vänligen kontakta
Erik Holmberg, marknadsanalytiker Hemnet
M: +46 72-55 88 050
Om Hemnet
Hemnet driver Sveriges ledande bostadsplattform. Bolaget grundades som ett branschinitiativ 1998 och har sedan dess utvecklats till en värdeskapande marknadsplats för bostadsmarknaden. Genom att erbjuda en unik kombination av produkter, insikter och inspiration har Hemnet byggt varaktiga relationer med köpare, säljare och fastighetsmäklare i över 20 år. Hemnet delar tillsammans med sina målgrupper en gemensam passion för hemmet och drivs av att vara en oberoende och självklar plats för människor att vända sig till vid de olika bostadsbehov som uppstår genom livet. Detta reflekteras i Bolagets vision att vara nyckeln till din bostadsresa, där Hemnet med sina produkter och tjänster vill öka effektiviteten, transparensen och rörligheten på bostadsmarknaden. Hemnet är noterat på Stockholm Nasdaq (“HEM”).
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