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Hemnet in numbers

Financial overview per quarter

Key figures

Net sales per service type

Net sales per customer

From Q1 2022 and forward the split for Net sales per service type has been updated in Hemnet's reporting to consist of Listing services and Other services.
Listing services consists of all revenue from Hemnet Bas, Hemnet Plus, and Hemnet Premium, as well as Raketen and Renew listing.
Other services consists of all other revenue.

Financial overview per year

Key figures

Net sales per service type

Net sales per customer

Financial targets


annual revenue growth


long-term adjusted EBITDA margin


a Net Debt to adjusted EBITDA

Dividend policy

a minimum annual dividend of one third of net income*

* In the event that the Company retains excess cash, this will be returned to shareholders e.g. through special dividends or share repurchases.