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Remuneration for Senior Executives

Remuneration principles

The annual General Meeting held on 27 April 2023 resolved to adopt updated guidelines for Remuneration to Senior Executives. Hemnet shall strive to offer a compensation that attracts, motivates and retains senior executives in benchmark with its peers, which primarily are platform companies and digital services companies.

Remuneration to senior executives shall consist of:

  • Fixed market cash salary
  • Variable cash remuneration based on fulfillment of clear goals for the Company
  • Possibility to participate in long-term share-based incentive programs
  • Pension and other customary benefits

As regards variable cash remuneration, such compensation shall be tied to financial or non-financial concrete, measurable goals for the Company and/or the department that the manager is responsible for. Decisions regarding variable payment models and the outcome of such models shall be made by the Board of Directors. The variable cash remuneration may amount to not more than 50 percent of the fixed annual cash salary. Variable cash remuneration shall not constitute pensionable income.

Remuneration Guidelines for Senior Executives at Hemnet Group AB (publ)

Hemnet Remuneration report 2023

Hemnet Remuneration report 2022

Hemnet Renumeration report 2021