Our products and services
Our commercial offering to create value for our customers
Being the go-to-place for Sweden’s property market creates great opportunities for individuals who want to sell their home as well as for our B2B partners that want to grow their business and brand.
Products and services for home sellers (B2C)
The majority of people interested in housing and of potential home buyers in Sweden visit Hemnet frequently. This makes us the natural place to be visible on if you want to get maximum exposure of your home to interested home buyers. To list on Hemnet, home sellers must go through a registered real estate agent. However, it is the home seller who chooses the advertising package and pays for the listing. The fact that all listings on Hemnet goes through a professional real estate agent is an important factor behind the high quality of the content on the platform.
Home sellers can choose between three different marketing packages when listing their home on Hemnet: Hemnet Bas, Plus and Premium. The choice of package is made by the seller, together with his or her real estate agent, depending on how much exposure he or she wants to invest in. The bigger the package, the better the visibility of the listing.

Additional services for home sellers
In addition to Hemnet’s various marketing packages, we also offer additional services that can be purchased after publication and enable extra exposure for the home listing.
Raketen: increases the chances of getting more visitors to the ad on Hemnet as well as to the home viewing. With Raketen, the listing is displayed for a limited period of time at the top of the results list in matching searches, at the same time as beeing simultaneously displayed in the ordinary search results.
Renew your ad (Förnya annons): sometimes it can take a little longer than expected to sell a home. In that case, the real estate agent can, in consultation with the home seller, choose to renew the listing on Hemnet. This resets all listing statistics and the home seller gets the opportunity to reach new interested parties.
Read more about our products and services for home sellers (in Swedish).
Products and services for real estate agents and other partners
Hemnet works closely with all major actors in the housing industry, such as real estate agents, property developers, banks, insurance companies and other advertisers. We offer a range of different services and products allowing our partners to market their brand and their services on Sweden’s largest property platform and at the same time reach consumers interested in housing.
Products for real estate agents
Hemnet Business: a subscription service that enables real estate agents to market their brand and analyse their performance. For those real estate agents whose offices have a Hemnet Business-subscription, the logo of the real estate agent firm is displayed on each listing in Hemnet’s results list.
In addition to increased brand exposure, Hemnet Business provides real estate agents with analytic tools (Andelsstatistiken) and additional valuable features developed to increase interest and improve the visual experience for potential buyers. For example, real estate agents get access to the online viewing service Hemnet Live and other video functionality that further enhances the content of the listing.
Mäklartipset: a marketing product that is placed at the top of the results list – one of the best advertising spaces on Hemnet. Mäklartipset gives not only the listing but also the real estate agency exposure of its logo within a specific geographical area. This results in a large number of extra and relevant visits to the home listing as well as in marketing of the real estate agent’s brand.
Be more visible for sellers: a product that gives real estate agents extra good visibility for visitors who are looking for an agent to sell with. The product is sold to agencies and it's required for the agency to have a Hemnet Business subscription to be able to start a Be more seen for sellers-subscription. All real estate agents who have sold a property for a subscribing office are exposed with their name and profile picture on all their selling price cards, which are shown on the selling price result list but also in a number of other places on Hemnet. Likewise, all real estate agents, who have the subscribing agency as their primary office, can be seen with an extra large contact card on the find an agent-page.
The purpose of the product is to strengthen the real estate agents' top of mind-position and increase opportunities to generate more customer contacts.
Products for property developers
Project advertisement: property developers are one of Hemnet’s largest advertisers. To meet their need to advertise new construction housing, we offer a customized advertising solution. A project advertisement appears just like a regular ad in the results list but contains, unlike Hemnet’s other ads, more homes in the same ad. The advertisement is administered and paid for by the property developer or the real estate agent responsible for the project.
Products for banks
Bank calculator: banking services, and especially mortgages, are closely linked to housing transactions. That is why Hemnet's cooperation with the banking sector is important for both our visitors and the banks. The Bank calculator is an integrated advertising solution on Hemnet’s property pages. In the calculator, potential buyers can calculate the figures for their housing with the help of the banks’ own offers. It not only creates value for the banks, whose brand is exposed in a relevant context, but also for Hemnet’s visitors who gain important information and knowledge.
Display and other products (for all B2B target groups)
Hemnet’s high-volume traffic and affluent target group make us one of the country’s strongest brands and thus an effective advertising platform. Hemnet offers a completely unique advertising environment for content-close advertisers to be seen through a number of different relevant ad formats for real estate agents, property developers, banks and other players who want to reach millions of visitors interested in housing. Hemnet’s display business is often combined with our other B2B products for the highest possible visability.